Zwei Stories über verrückte Bomberpiloten...

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Zwei Stories über verrückte Bomberpiloten...

Beitrag von Toryu » 16. Jan 2004, 19:05

Die erste weniger schön...:
B-52G crash innen USA:

One of the cadets that graduated last year saw his father die in the crash, so we hear about this all the time.

Its an extremely complex and long story (the background that is) and pretty much was a major failure in leadership.

The short story is the pilot was the best B-52 pilot in the AF, and everyone knew it.

But then he started getting cocky and doing crazy stunts (eg doing low passes--as in 6 feet above mountians, 20 or 30 feet above people--doing high G turns--popped countless bolts when he did-- ect ect ect).

It got so bad that people were scared for his life every time they had to fly with him.

Complaints were sent in to the base commanders for years, but they always went to another assignment before anything happened.

That pilot was also the Standards and evaluation pilot for the base, so he did all the checkrides--including his own.

Finally, the squadron commander (the cadet's father) no one will fly with him if they don't want to. They had to fly an airshow, so the squadron commander flew with him.

The pilot (the crazy dude), did another awe inspireing show wowing the croud with fighter style maneuvers in a BUFF. On a steep turn, he wanted to show off some more and banked past a critical angle. The BUFF was not able to recover.

In a higher quality version of the clip, you can see the ejection hatch of the right seat (the squadron commander's seat) pop off with an attemped ejection.

It didn't work.

The whole crew was killed because of the recklessnes of a single pilot. He could have been stopped years earlier, but all the commanders looked the other way.

I'll see if I can find some pics of the other unsafe maneuvers by him. There was a lot caught by film crews and photographers.


Die zweite dafür lustig:

"Low level im Canyon"

An ex-B-52 pilot I knew had a national park guidebook and he visited every national park in the country and took pictures as he flew past. His favorite was a picture of the shadow of his plane on the side of half-dome, a massive rock mountain in Yellowstone park. This type of sortie eventually got out of hand resulting in AF regulations specifically forbidding planned flight over specific points on the ground except for tactical purposes or for specific navigational requirements. He also came close to getting in serious trouble by flying a B-52 down the grand canyon. It was going ok until they accidentally exited the canyon right at the visitor center (oops) which also happened to be right off the end of of the grand canyon airport runway. They got yelled at by the airport tower, center, and after landing they found that a senator was in the visitor center and had called the pentagon inquiring as to why a nuclear bomber was buzzing the grand canyon visitor center from below the canyon rim...

But back then you could survive a few stupid acts so he took his slap on the wrist and got promoted later on.

Tigers, the name of the game is a high Mach and clean fangs!
- Glen "Snake" Reaves, F-104 instructor -

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Re: Zwei Stories über verrückte Bomberpiloten...

Beitrag von Flogger » 17. Jan 2004, 22:52

Mein herzlichstes Beileid an die Familie. Das passiert also wenn die oberste Führung will das die Welt nichts von unzulänglichkeiten erfährt und den Glauben das Amerikanische Maschinen unfehlbar sind erhalten will.

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Registriert: 24. Nov 2003, 14:05

Beitrag von JaBoG32_Laud » 18. Jan 2004, 01:38

Passt meiner Meinung nach voll in die Mentalität der Amerikaner...

...höher, schneller, weiter...

Alles Machos und Angeber. Wann immer amerikanische Soldaten im Kampfeinsatz interviewt werden hab ich das Gefühl nen kleinen Jungen zu hören der grad nen Ego-Shooter spielt.

Die sind dermaßen weit von jeglicher Realität entfernt wie nur möglich.

Ich meine, dass George W. Bush dort Präsident sein kann sagt doch schon alles.
Der würde hier in Deutschland doch nichtmal zum Bürgermeister gewählt.

Genauso größenwahnsinnig und schießwütig wie seine Soldaten(Außnahmen bestätigen die Regel).
Wenn die keinen Anlass für nen neuen Krieg haben, dann inszenieren sie eben einen.

Mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen

Cowboys halt....

Schaut öfter mal vorbei
Beiträge: 39
Registriert: 19. Jan 2004, 12:21

Beitrag von Blacksheep » 25. Jan 2004, 04:29

Cowboys, wo sich das hauptaugenmerk auf boys bezieht.

Du müsstest mal sehen, was hier für pappnasen in ne f-16 gesteckt werden.

Des sind halbe Kinder!

Manchmal habe ich das gefühl, wenn man die irgendwo trifft, das die das ganze mit irgendeinem viedeospiel verwechseln. Allein das verhalten dieser gerade mal post pubertierenden.... erinnert mich an deutsche schulhöfe....

ne ne...... eckhard!.......die russen sin dooooaa!
H Haahn
JaBoG 33

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Beitrag von CouGar » 25. Jan 2004, 10:37

You are all wrong,... these stories do not exist, gods own planes do not crash, they are flown by gods own pilots !

(btw: P51 has won the war)

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Beitrag von JaBoG32_Chrissi » 25. Jan 2004, 10:39

hehe lol :lol: :lol:
2. JaBoG32 "Fighting Wildcats"

Gruß, Chrissi aka Kichi :D
Our Dreams are Wings


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Beitrag von Diu » 12. Feb 2004, 16:17

irgendwie kann ich die Piloten schon verstehen :roll:
Es ist einfach nur ein geiles Gefühl, tief und schnell zu fliegen!
(und wenn es bei mir auch nur Endanflüge mit 250km/h in 5m über dem Flugplatz sind :lol: ).
Kann man eigentlich gar nicht beschreiben, muss man mal erlebt haben!
