Black Sea ShowDown - 25th August 2007

Allgemeine Diskussionen rund um LockOn.

Moderator: JaBoG32 Stab

Gerade reingestolpert
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 13. Aug 2007, 22:08

Black Sea ShowDown - 25th August 2007

Beitrag von =Ice= » 13. Aug 2007, 22:22

Good Day to the JaBoG 32 Squadron!

I would like to formally invite your squadron to participate in the Black sea Showdown.


[br86]Black Sea Showdown[/br86]
Firstly, I’d like to thank the 159th Squadron, everyone else involved and especially Fudd for showing that organised operations with the Lock On Community can be a resounding success.

Here is the 169th contribution for a similar (but different) exercise.

On the last Saturday of every month at 2100Z (Greenwich Mean Time), We will host a closed (password) session on the 169th dedicated server via IP only. It will be a “Grand Finale” to the mission that has been hosted on the server for that month. It will run for 4 hours exactly. Any aircraft that have not landed at an airfield at the close will be considered as dead.

The exact scoring system is still being finalised but Aircraft losses will be severe as will be Team Kills. Priority targets such as Ships will score highly.

The [url=]169th Statistics Board[/urlr86] which now supports Air to Ground statistics will be the scorer and a separate database will be created specifically for this encounter. We also recommend everyone record their track so as they have evidence of any possible discrepancy.

169th members will be separated between both sides so as not to give the impression of a 169th verses the world.

How to sign up.
[url=]Register to our Forums[/urlr86] and in the “Black Sea Showdown” Forum Category sign up in the [url= ... um&f=22r86]Sign Up Thread[/urlr86] and also request which side you wish to join. You will then be given access the appropriate section where mission planning for your team can take place. When registering, please use your regular callsign as per HyperLobby. This is to minimise the chance of dual registrations or spies. All participants will be required to use Teamspeak during the match.

There are some real benefits in this format. One being the ability to run events more frequently. Less pressure on planning and the ability to practice your sorties in an environment with human opposition at any time.

The 169th Dedicated [url= ... c&t=321r86]Server Rules[/urlr86] must be adhered to as well as the [url= ... c&t=274r86]Online Etiquitte[/urlr86].
Up to 64 players can register plus reserves. That’s 32 per side. You will be allowed to respawn. You will be allowed to change aircraft. If by chance the Red Team lose their Kuznetsov carrier then the Su-33’s that took off from it must change to another group. Any players in Su33’s that spawn over Bulls Eye (Nav 1) will immediately be removed from the server.

As this is the first round of hopefully many this post will most likely see some changes so check it regularly.

169th Members whom have Admin rights to our forums are NOT to get involved in any planning. Namely, Ice, PoleCat, ManaWar, Helix.

Finally I’d like to see all squadrons put aside their differences and participate in this exercise with the same energy as they have in Red Flag. Our community is small and needs all the help it can get. No doubt there will be some that do not approve of this idea. However I ask that you refrain from posting negative replies and just not get involved.

Good Hunting!
Play Hard = Play Fair
