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Kamera Optionen in DCS

Verfasst: 13. Jun 2016, 20:51
von JaBoG32_Siddharta
Hier eine Zusammenfassung von einige Tricks um schöne Szenen aufzunehmen.

Bitte ergänzen:

I haven't played DCS in years but back in the days these were true (few useful, general tips, not exhaustive!):

- First big question: How did you do this smooth cam moves? With F11 outside view (mousewheel acc. and turning), it stutters way to much.

For that I use another vehicle nearby which is moving, then i use that as camera with F7 and lock the helicopter with DEL.

- General: DCS has well documented camera control key commands. They used to be shipped with the game in a RTF file named key commands and can be found ... ???. Most camera controls are spread across F1 through F12 and Numpad.

- There are controls for moving camera in/out (often confused with zoom) "Num*" / "Num/" as well as for changing FOV (Field of View) "RCtrl - Num*" / "RCtrl - Num/"

- LShift makes some camera actions faster while LCtrl - slower.

- LCtrl - F11 free camera - you can place the camera >anywhere< or even fly it.

- LCtrl - F11 camera can LOCK on an object - 'Numpad .' This way you can make an 'airshow camera'.

- You can reverse direction of the current view back and forth using ??? key command. (I'm guessing it's LCtrl + [function key for the view])

- You can cycle through objects in various views, plus some "enemy", "own" etc. filters.

- LShift+J to cycle camera jitter - look goog in fast action sequenses

- Lock another plane with F5 (external) and use Numpad arrows to get extraordinary, dynamic angles! May work in other views.

- You can edit the F4 camera (??? link to tutorial) to be attached anywhere on the plane and directed at any angle. You can even place in front of an aircraft, point it forward and use it as a flying camera.

- The cockpit 6DOF camera also has controls for free placement anywhere in the cockpit when TrackIR is not used. This includes far upper right corner of the cockpit Hold Middle mouse button to move about the cockpit. (only in one (vertical-lateral???) plane and use "RCtrl - RShift - Num*" / "RCtrl - RShift - Num/" Cockpit Camera Move Forward/Back to get control 'over the missing dimension'

- There's a camera flying with a weapon once the weapon goes off. Key command is *"RCtrl - Num+" *Camera ordnance tracking.

-DCS have a tool rendering videos from replay (trk) files. It does not happen in real-time so you can render a 60 FPS video from insane in-game settings on a slow PC. For more see There's A LOT of info regarding video compression for preserving maximum possible quality in the thread as well. Worth reading BEFORE you shoot your scenes.

- Cockpit view can be controlled with mouse. To switch between operating switches and mouselook... Use RAlt C

- Show the pilot: right shift + p

- To get your camera very close to the ground you need to disable the camera ground limitation with lua ed forum

- LeftCtrl+Y twice remove info bar @ bottom

- RCtrl - Enter - Controls indicator - it shows positions of all of the aircraft controls (rudder, stick etc) as an overlay. Invaluable for training videos!

- LCtrl and other modifier keys provide alternative modes of a given camera. For example, F1 is cockpit view while LCtrl+F1 iscocpit view with natural pilot's head movement. It is worth trying with the head G effects enabled in game settings.

- LAlt+F2 to alter F2 camera pivot point

- RCtrl+Num * to decrease field of view slightly (it's called 'angle' in view.lua BTW)

- Middle mouse button (scroll wheel) - click twice cycle between camera control and clickable cockpit cursor

- Middle mouse button (scroll wheel) - hold to quickly move in the vertical lateral plane ; equivalent to [RCtrl + Rshift + Num arrows]

- [RCtrl + Rshift + Num *] and [RCtrl + Rshift + Num /] - move forward/aft

- [LShift + F4]
Move using the same key combinations that are used for in-cockpit 6 DOF movement i.e.:
[RCtrl + Rshift + Num arrows]
[RCtrl + Rshift + Num *] and [RCtrl + Rshift + Num /]

Kamera Steuerung

left alt + f2
in der strg F11 Ansicht auf Ziel gehen und entf im num block drücken

LAlt + Y = Zeit im Replay verlangsamen!
LShift + Y = Zeit beschleunigen

F1 = normales Cockpit
Strg+F1 = Cockpit erhöhte Sicht und fixierter TrackIR Sicht
LAlt + F1 = Cockpit ausblenden. MFDs in der A10 ausschalten damit die auch weg sind
RStrg+F4 = dynamische relative Außenansicht (sehr cool im Flug, am Boden geht es wahrscheinlich nicht)
F2 = normale statische Außenansicht
RAlt + F2 = Außenansicht ohne Flugzeug, Distanz änderbar
F3 = Außenansicht im Vorbeiflug (Zoom klappt trotzdem mit LStrg + *)
F5 = Actioncam. Bei Formation beide Flugzeuge im Bild, sehr cool. Durchklicken um alle A/C in Reichweite relativ anzuzeigen
F6 = Raketen / Bombenansicht (oder sobald zwei Flugzeuge in der Luft sind dynamische Actioncam)
LStrg + F6 = Raketen auf Ziel Sicht
F7 = Aussenansicht von feindlichen Einheiten in der Nähe
LStrg + F7 = Außenansicht Flugzeug steuerbar mit Cursortasten
LAlt + F9 = Tower ansicht
F11 = frei Kamera von Flughafen
LStrg + F11 = freie Kamera
LShift + J = Zittermodus / Aktionmodus / Still
LAlt + K = auf Höhe von Tarrain bleiben
LShift + Insert = Alle Objekte einbinden/ausbinden

Num * = rauszoomen
Num / = reinzoomen

LStrg + * = langsam reinzoomen
LStrg + / = langsam rauszomen

lstrg + * = Brennweite vergrößern (Fischauge)
LStrag + / = Brennweite verkleiner (Makro zoom)

RStrg + RShift + End = Alle Feinde anzeigen

Enft(auf Numpad) = Kamera bleibt fixiert in der Position - relativ zum Objekt am Besten mit F7

- Beim los taxen auf A/C schalten (mit F2 dann F5 und dann auf überfliegendes A/C richten, z.B. RunInBreak)
- Beim Airborn von A/C Fullmill F5, dann Cursor nach unten (vom vorne am Boden am ersten AC richten) . Beim rollen zoomt die Cam dann auf zweites AC
- Bei Close Formation auf rstrg + f4, Cam mit Num block drehen, senken (AC gegen Sonne), Makro Zoom (Sonne wird riesig vor dem A/C)
- Um glatte Camera bewegungen zu bekommen, muss ein Fahrzeug in der Nähe der A/Cs aufgestellt werden.
Dann F7 darauf. Das Fahrzeug in der Richtung und Geschwindigkeit bewegen.
Dann das gewünschte A/C mit DEL locken.

Camera Views modifizieren:
\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Config\View\Server.lua

CameraTerrainRestriction = false
(WICHTIG! Nur so kommt man nahe an den Boden oder Muster ran)

GoPro Stil:
RearCameraPos = {o[1] - 11.8 ,o[2] - 2.5, o[3]}
(notice I changed the + into a -)