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DCS Black Shark Patch 1.01 angekündigt

Verfasst: 3. Mär 2009, 14:49
von Schleudersitz
Eagle Dynamics hat folgende Informationen zum ersten "Black Shark" Patch veröffentlicht.
Please note, the full fix/feature list includes well over 100 items and is not yet finalized for publication. The below items are some of the more significant feature enhancements included in the patch. More items will be posted as they are prepared.

Given that the team is currently heavily occupied with finalizing the international release, it's difficult to estimate the release time of the patch. We'll go out on a limb and say May, but no promises! The patch will likely be 300+ MB.


In addition to the default trimmer implementation, in which control input is disabled momentarily to allow the player to quickly re-center his controls, a new method will be included in version 1.0.1 with a different re-centering logic. In the new method, control input is disabled until the player returns the controls to their neutral position. This allows the player to re-center his controls smoothly, minimizing unwanted control input.

The new trimmer logic is optional and is selected ON by default upon installation of the patch. Selection of the trimmer implementation will be available in the GAMEPLAY menu of the options.

The heading trim logic has also been redesigned. Functionality of the heading trim channel will now depend on the yaw rate when the trimmer button is released. If the yaw rate is under 3 deg/sec., the autopilot will stabilize the helicopter heading. If the yaw rate is greater than 3 deg/sec., the autopilot will stabilize the yaw rate to maintain the turn.

The trimming mechanism can be adjusted in the controls configuration file:

The relevant variables are:

HelicopterTrimmerMethod - trimmer implementation option: 1 - original, 2 - new (selected by default).

The default neutral positions to which the player must return his controls to reactivate control input (in % of half of the controls' full motion!)
HelicopterTrimmerZonePitch = 0.05 (5% in pitch)
HelicopterTrimmerZoneRoll = 0.05 (5% in roll)
HelicopterTrimmerZoneRudder = 0.1 (10% in yaw)

HelicopterTrimmerTauInverse = 7.0 - time factor for the period given the player to re-center his controls when using the old trimmer implementation.

IMPORTANT! All of the above LUA values are recorded for track playback. Any alterations of these values may result in incorrect playback. Also, do not use the Windows Notepad to edit LUA files, as it will corrupt them. Use a proper UTF-8 capable text/code editor.


New unguided rockets have been added:

S-8OM - illumination rocket. Once fired, the rocket flies a ballistic trajectory. After 17 seconds, the warhead separates and releases a parachute-retarded illumination flare, which descends at a rate of 8.2 m/sec. The illumination flare burns for 35 seconds.

S-8OFP2 - blast-fragmentation rocket. Enhanced fragmentation effects and increased engine burn time. Used against infantry and unarmored targets.


It's now possible to create missions with a pre-recorded introduction track.

The procedure to create a mission with an intro track:

1. Create a mission with the necessary triggers, graphical and audio material.
2. Launch the mission, record the intro track and save it.
3. Create a new file, called "continue_track" with the number '1' inside. The file can be created with Notepad or other similar program. The file should have no extension.
4. Open the TRK file with your archive opener (winrar, etc.) and insert the "continue_track" file inside the "track_data" folder of the TRK archive.
5. Rename the TRK extention to MIZ.

As a result you will have a MIZ file that includes a track file inside. When the mission is launched, the track will be played back, after which the player will be handed control automatically.


Removed the MESSAGE action.

Renamed some actions:
- SOUND renamed to SOUND TO ALL

Added the following actions:

- DEACTIVATE GROUP (this action will remove the group from the game world permanently. It will not be possible to re-active the group).
- END MISSION (force mission end when the trigger rules are true)
- SET FAILURE (set helicopter system failure with time and probability)
- SET EXPLOSION (use a trigger zone to set the location of the explosion and set the altitude and power of the explosion in the trigger action settings)
- EXPLODE UNIT (select unit to explode and power of explosion)
- SMOKE MARKER (use a trigger zone to set the location of the marker and set the altitude of initiation in the trigger action settings)
- ILLUMINATION FLARE (use a trigger zone to set the location of the flare and set the altitude of initiation in the trigger action settings. Note, the flare burns for 120 seconds, falling approximately 1000 meters in that time.)
- SIGNAL FLARE (use a trigger zone to set the location of the flare and set the altitude of initiation and flare color in the trigger action settings)


The wingmen will now re-arm/refuel with the player. They will also shut down/re-start their engines with the player.