TARS Beta 1 veroeffentlicht

Diskussionen, Hinweise, Feedback, usw. rund um DCS Mods und Add-Ons von Drittanbietern.

Moderator: JaBoG32 Stab

Senior Member
Beiträge: 1417
Registriert: 14. Mai 2004, 23:29

TARS Beta 1 veroeffentlicht

Beitrag von JaBoG32_Prinzartus » 14. Jan 2011, 08:37

TARS ist ein sehr interessantes Teamspeak 3 AddOn Projekt:
"TARS stands for Tactical Aviation Radio System and is a combination plugin for Teamspeak 3 and mod for DCS: A-10C and DCS:Black Shark. Its purpose is to allow players to use the in-game radios to communicate with fellow players in the multiplayer environment. By removing the need for channel switching and channel management policies, you can spend more time concentrating on your gaming and less time worrying about the configuration of your Teamspeak channels."
