
Diskussionen, Hinweise, Feedback, usw. rund um DCS Mods und Add-Ons von Drittanbietern.

Moderator: JaBoG32 Stab

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Registriert: 25. Sep 2009, 16:50

Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von JaBoG32_G-Rex » 14. Apr 2013, 19:00

Hab grad das hier gefunden:

PS: der Song macht richtig Laune :-)

G-Rex = König der Schwerkraft
"Fliegen kann nur der, der es vermag über die Schwerkraft zu triumphieren!"

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Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von JaBoG32_Siddharta » 15. Apr 2013, 09:27

ich brech ab, was für ein song :lol:
Fehlt nur noch Good morning Vietnam.
Und die UH1 sieht wirklich unglaublich detailreich aus.
Btw...wenn der Mod fertig ist wäre es ja nur noch ein Katzensprung zur Cobra :mrgreen:
Zuletzt geändert von JaBoG32_Siddharta am 16. Apr 2013, 06:19, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
JaBoG32 322nd "Flying Monsters"


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Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von Gunsmoke » 15. Apr 2013, 16:40

JuHuey ;) ich bin ja so gespannt :spring:
Gruß Gunsmoke

  • HOTAS A-10C Warthog
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Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von Sloth » 16. Apr 2013, 18:10

https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ ... ucts/huey/

Steht jetzt auch auf der Website! Komischerweise gibt es aber keinen link unter "products" :gruebel:
Ich hab's nur durch SimHQ gefunden.

-VIRTUTE SIDERUM TENUS- Geregheghez Gez Gez Gez !

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Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von Gunsmoke » 17. Apr 2013, 11:40

Hmmmm...das ist schon von 2012 ...

Kann nicht mehr lange dauern :mrgreen:
Gruß Gunsmoke

  • HOTAS A-10C Warthog
    Cougar MFD's
    2x 8" USB Lilliput UM80T LCD's
    Hofmann Simped F-16 Rudder
    TrackIR 5 pro

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Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von Sloth » 17. Apr 2013, 13:02

:D Habe ich mir zunächst auch gedacht, doch bei SimHQ wars sehr aktuell und es steht ja was von digital download pre-purchase und pre-release beta Zugang.
Egal, mal abwarten wies wird.

-VIRTUTE SIDERUM TENUS- Geregheghez Gez Gez Gez !

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Registriert: 6. Jun 2012, 18:03

Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von Gunsmoke » 18. Apr 2013, 14:01

...und hier ist das Flightmanual der UH-1H zum downloaden :D

Gruß Gunsmoke

  • HOTAS A-10C Warthog
    Cougar MFD's
    2x 8" USB Lilliput UM80T LCD's
    Hofmann Simped F-16 Rudder
    TrackIR 5 pro

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Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von JaBoG32_Herby » 19. Apr 2013, 09:38

Da ist die offizielle Modulbeschreibung.


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Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von JaBoG32_Butcher » 19. Apr 2013, 12:39

Dann wird es ja wohl hoffentlich nicht mehr sooo lange dauern. :pilothelikopter:
Die im Dunkeln sieht man nicht.
(Schlußstrophe aus der drei Groschen Oper von Berthold Brecht)

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Re: DCS:Huey

Beitrag von Jack » 19. Apr 2013, 17:45

April 11th

Thursday. Rumours are the Huey will get released on the weekend. Together with the 1.2.4 patch. Great news! Time to re-read a couple of Vietnam war books and prepare for some epic Huey goodness. GF says she hasn't seen me that excited since the day she told me she had bought some 'naughty nightwear', funny girl!

April 12th

Friday, I feel we're THAT close. Reading Chickenhawks now. And hitting the forums every couple of hours.

April 13th

Saturday. No patch yet, no Huey. I've actually dreamt of flying a Huey into a hot LZ. Listened to some Jimi Hendrix while heaving breakfast. Can't take long now.

April 14th

Sunday. Bloody Sunday. Great weather. Warm. Which means I have to do some outdoor activity with she_who_must_be_obeyed while all the other guys surely are having fun with the Huey! Had a weird nightmare. I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor.

April 15th

Monday. Yay! They waited with the release until I could play again! Fine chaps I must say. Prepared a traditional Vietnamese meal to celebrate the inevitable release of the Huey. Listened to some more Hendrix. F5 key starting to show 1st signs of over-use.

April 16th

Tuesday. Where is the Huey? GF thinks I'm getting a bit weird as of late. Silly girl. Just because I've started calling our bedroom "Landing Zone X-Ray" and make helicopter noises during intimate moments. I still love the Huey. I mean, her.

April 17th

Wednesday. They are up to something at Belsimtek and ED. I feel it. It's like in the book. Charlie always planning some new, dirty tricks. But I'm prepared. Got a bit of trouble with my neighbours for lighting a flare on my balcony. Bloody commies, how am I supposed to lead the Huey to my position without a flare?

April 18th

Thursday. No Huey. No patch. Something terrible has happened. Must remain strong. Started smoking again while staring at the screen, hitting the F5 key. Voodoo Child blaring out of the speakers. Heard rotor noises outside in the afternoon and ran outside, falling to my knees my hands raised to the sky, when the helo passed overhead without picking me up. Noticed I was wearing only my skivvies. And some face camo. Natives looked at me and for a moment I think I saw compassion in their eyes. They're probably waiting for the Huey too.

April 19th.

Friday. Girlfriend pulled a Hanoi Jane on me and told me she was going to see her parents until I 'got normal' again. I asked her in a calm voice why she wanted to terminate my command. She acted like she didn't understand. Jimi does. He always did. The Huey. The patch. It all comes together now. I'll never see them.

The horror...the horror.

Das hab sogar ich verstanden^^ :pilotgrin: :lol: :lol:

Orginal: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p ... ost1728292

Mea culpa :P

My Englisch is not the yellow from the egg ...^^
